by Michelle | Oct 3, 2022 | publish on Amazon, publish on kindle, write a blurb
Publishing a book on Kindle: your top 10 questions answered Thinking of publishing a book on Kindle? Know nothing about KDP or the publication process? Keep reading. Here are 10 questions and answers about publishing a book on Kindle to help you...
by Michelle | Apr 11, 2022 | publish on kindle, Self-publishing
Self-Publishing – is it a Good Idea For Me? The Pros and Cons of Self-Publishing What is self-publishing? If you don’t want to wait for literary agents or traditional publishers to say ‘yes’ to publishing your book, then self-publishing...
by Michelle | Nov 26, 2021 | publish on kindle, Self-publishing
Thinking of self-publishing? Keep reading! This article follows on from and shares with you some of my advice about the DON’Ts of self-publishing. I promise you, there’s nothing quite like...
by Michelle | Oct 13, 2021 | publish on kindle, Self-publishing
Congratulations, you’ve finished writing your book! You’re already leaps and bounds ahead of those who only talk about writing a book. So, VERY well done. Thinking of self-publishing? Then stay with me. I’d like to share with you some of the...
by Michelle | Oct 12, 2021 | publish on kindle, publishing on Amazon
Wondering about publishing on Amazon? Then keep reading to discover five reasons why it’s a great idea. The self-publishing business is truly a revolution for writers. Who could ever have predicted such an opportunity for aspiring authors? Before...
by Michelle | Jan 6, 2021 | publish on kindle, Self-publishing
Publish Your Book on Kindle: The Step-by-Step Guide Over the years, I have helped hundreds of indie authors to publish their books on Kindle. Many hire me because they don’t have the time to do it themselves, or they come out in a rash when they hear the...