Hi, I’m Michelle, an author, proofreader and book editor from Co Durham. And I love helping first-time authors to self-publish their novels.
The Backstory
Books and writing have been a big part of my life since I learnt to read and write. Library visits, reading books in the peace of my bedroom (away from my two noisy younger sisters), and keeping a Victoria Plum Secret Diary are some of my happiest childhood memories.
When, aged 25, I got my first job in publishing, I couldn’t have been happier. I quickly earned my stripes as a PA and got promoted to Deputy Editorial Director within just a few months. This gave me a good grounding in every aspect of the publishing process. I loved it.
Fast forward a few years and I got married and had two babies in close succession (a huge task in itself – thank goodness they’re now grown up). I returned to work in publishing on a freelance, part-time basis for my old boss and secured a couple more author and publisher clients who were contacts of his. Then in 2013, I took the big, brave step of starting up my own business. And although there have been many wobbly moments, tears, late nights and juggling shenanigans, I’m proud that I’ve made my business the success it is today.
Who am I?
I’m a northeastern lass from beautiful County Durham. I’m friendly, down-to-earth and highly experienced and I’m passionate about all-things-books and words. And I love helping authors like you to publish books they’re proud of.
As an Open University graduate – First-Class BA (HONS) English Literature – and a self-published author who has worked in publishing since the 1990s, I have a wealth of skills to guide you through the publishing process with confidence.
Since setting up my self-publishing business in 2013, I’ve helped 100s of authors to publish top quality books on Amazon KDP. And if you’d like to be one of them, check out my testimonials here to see the kind of results I get for my authors.
Who I Work With
First-Time and New Authors Who Want to Self-Publish
Are you a new or aspiring author who hates tech? Do you have no idea where to start with self-publishing? Don’t worry. I can help with everything.
Struggling Authors
If you’ve self-published but aren’t happy with the results, you don’t have to give up. I can help to transform your book and optimise its sales potential.
Published Authors Who Want to Republish
Have you published your book with another publisher? But want to reclaim control and republish under your terms? Get in touch. I’d love to help.
Authors Who Choose the Traditional Publishing Route
Want to secure a literary agent or traditional publisher for your book? I can help with everything from proofreading and copy-editing to writing your synopsis, blurb and your submission package. If you’d like to find out more, contact me.
Why I’m Different to Other Self-Publishing Companies
When you hire me to publish your book on Amazon or proofread your book, you are not a number. You are not part of a rigid, fast conveyor belt. You and your work are important to me. And I will work hard to get to know your book inside out so I can bring out the best in it. Ultimately, I undertake every aspect of the process myself. However, I do have a loyal and trusted team of top quality experts, typesetters, ebook formatters, cover designers and web designers to call on if I need an extra pair of hands.
I know what your book means to you (I’ve walked your path – it took me years to find the confidence to publish my own book even though I’d written and published plenty for my clients) and I’ll make sure it has the best chance ever of attracting readers.
It isn’t Just About Your Book
During our publishing journey together, I won’t just take care of the practicalities. I’ll also help with the mindset stuff too. My hand-holding service is available throughout the entire process.
In short, if your book is a success, so is my reputation. That’s why I work hard to make sure your book is the best that it can be.
Ready to stop dithering and get your debut novel onto Amazon in just 4 weeks?