6 Reasons Why You Simply HAVE To Publish on Kindle!


If you’ve written your book but you’re not quite sure what to do with it, my advice, every time, would be to publish your book on Kindle.

Over the years, I’ve proofread and edited some fantastic books that have literally only been seen by the writer and me.  Because the author doesn’t feel that publishing on Kindle is for them, they leave their brilliant book languishing in a dusty drawer or hidden away in a desktop folder.

Their long dream of writing a book has been fulfilled and when they receive the finished edited/proofed version, they’re usually blown away by how far they’ve come.

But then the excitement dissolves quicker than a snowman in the sun.

They aren’t prepared to go down the self-publishing route – for whatever reason – and I think it’s a real shame.

Some writers will try the mainstream route but get deterred and frustrated by the lengthy, drawn-out process, and then they decide that if they haven’t been snapped up by a leading publishing house (and quickly) that their work must have been rubbish anyway.  In fact, it’s not always the case.  Mainstream is even more difficult to break into than ever; especially if you’re an unknown debut author.

It’s competitive, and many publishing houses won’t even accept submissions unless they’re from a literary agent.  And trying to find a literary agent who will take on your book is, well, pretty exhausting, too.

That’s why, time after time, I will always recommend that authors publish their book on Kindle. There are book-loads of reasons why this is the best option (in my opinion), let me share my top 6 with you.

  1. Publishing on Kindle is the icing on the cake: you’ve spent HOW long writing this book? And now you’re just going to hide it away from the world? Publishing your book on Kindle really is the icing on the cake and the jauntily-placed glace cherry on top. Imagine the feeling when you become a published author. Imagine telling your friends, colleagues and family that you’ve done it! And you have something to show them rather than just tell them.
  2. You deserve it: the cheerleaders are waiting at the finish line for you, with their pompoms and excited faces. You have come so far; you’ve worked so hard. You deserve this.  Leaving your book unpublished is like travelling halfway across the world for a holiday and then spending a fortnight in your hotel room. You just wouldn’t do it, would you?
  3. You call the shots: the Kindle platform has revolutionised the publishing world and it’s an opportunity that every potential indie author can (and should) embrace. As a Kindle author, you hold the reins, you decide how to hatch your book, you don’t hand over control of your cover design, word length, price, and everything else – you can boss it any way you like.
  4. The rewards can be huge: you can add “published writer/author” to your portfolio, which will give you kudos amongst your clients (if you’ve written a biz book). You can draw in a new crowd, perhaps some people who may not have found you via your other marketing platforms. You can make money while you sleep – who wouldn’t want easy money like that?
  5. It’s free: if you learn how to format your book and upload it to Kindle, you don’t have to pay for this exciting adventure, either. There are heaps of YouTube videos out there to teach you how to format your book and upload it to Kindle.
  6. There are stacks of success stories: take a look this Telegraph article http://www.telegraph.co.uk/lifestyle/11789876/Meet-the-Kindlepreneurs.html. Some of my clients have also enjoyed success – Kate Spencer, for one, https://www.amazon.co.uk/Twelve-Lessons-Kate-Spencer-x/dp/0992710308 – her Twelve Lessons and Twelve Lessons Later novels have topped the best-selling charts, too.


If your book is languishing or hidden away and you’d like to breathe some new life into it, and become the author you’ve always dreamt of becoming, then come and talk to me.

I can take care of the whole process for you, and you could have your book for sale on the Amazon Kindle store within as little as a couple of weeks.

After all, you didn’t write your book just for yourself, now, did you?


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