Time-saving hacks to prioritise your writing
Fitting in good quality writing time around your other commitments is tricky. And unless you’re lucky enough to earn a full-time salary from your writing, finding time to write is probably an ongoing struggle.
No matter how much you love it, writing is often the first thing to go on the back burner when your schedule is overloaded. So today, I’d like to share 6 time-saving hacks to help you manage your schedule better and ensure you can fit in some golden pockets of writing time … and finish writing your book.
Time-saving Hack 1 – Get organised for the week ahead
Sunday evenings are great for organising the week ahead. Grab a coffee and brainstorm what you’d like to achieve during the upcoming week. Don’t pile on the pressure, though. A long to-do list is overwhelming. Getting organised for the upcoming week means you’ll know what you need to do each day and optimise your writing time because you have a goal to reach.
Time-saving Hack 2 – Reflect on your progress each week
When Sunday evening comes around again, reflect on what you’ve done (or struggled with) during the previous seven days. A quick overview of what you’ve achieved is a great confidence booster. And always reflect on the tasks you couldn’t complete – as a learning exercise, not a guilt trip – and try to work out why. Was the task too big for the timeframe? Should you have broken the tasks into smaller ones? Did you subconsciously put off the task (eg research/proofreading) because you don’t like this stage of your writing journey? Knowing what’s worked and what hasn’t will save you time in the long term and help you adopt good writing habits and optimise your available time.
Time-saving Hack 3 – Plan your weekly writing time blocks
Again, be realistic when you plan your weekly writing time blocks. Could you write first thing each morning for half an hour and then again last thing at night? Or set yourself a word count target each day? Consistency is key; once you start writing first and last thing, it becomes so routine you don’t even think about it.
Time-saving Hack 4 – Don’t waste your waiting time
Always keep your notebook handy when you’re out and about. Don’t waste time waiting in the car to collect children from school; get your pen out instead. Similarly, when attending appointments – hospital, dentist, doctor’s surgery, hairdresser’s – don’t use this as scrolling time. Turn waiting time into writing time.
Time-saving Hack 5 – Stop making excuses
It’s so easy to make excuses about not achieving your writing goals. But what’s better? A great excuse? Or another tick on your writing to-do list? Don’t waste time conjuring up excuses. Use that imagination to be productive instead. 15 minutes of writing is way better than nothing at all. My best advice to you is to stop thinking or putting off and start doing. The next time you find yourself justifying why you can’t fit in time to write, tell yourself you can and do it straight away! A simple mindset switch works wonders.
Time-saving Hack 6 – Avoid distractions
Distractions are everywhere; phones, social media, emails and people. When you’re determined to progress your writing, you must deal with these distractions like a seasoned author. Switch off your emails, phone, and the internet. Explain to your nearest and dearest that you’re writing and can’t be disturbed for the next hour. Avoiding distractions will help you get so far into your writing zone that you continue to write long after your timer goes off.
So there you have it – 6 TIME-SAVING HACKS to help you progress your writing without giving up your downtime.
Remember, it’s all about balance, consistency and commitment. Manage your time better, and you’ll be amazed at how much progress you make.
Good luck with your writing!
If you’d like more ways to help you find time to write, check out my book Finding Time to Write:
If this article has helped you, please share your thoughts in the comments or the link with your writing friends.
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Stay productive, writing friends!