by Michelle | Apr 13, 2022 | Self-Doubt, writer's block, writing your book
Self-Doubt – How to Stop it From Stealing Your Author Dream My mother shared a memory with me the other day. Apparently, when I was a schoolgirl around the age of seven or eight, the class had to write a ghost story and mine was so detailed that...
by Michelle | Jun 26, 2020 | writing a business book, writing a non-fiction book
Writing a non-fiction book? Too many ideas? Don’t know how to tame them, pin them down and start writing? Then keep reading! Once you get it into your head that you’re going to write a book, you cannot escape. Chances are, you will write your...
by Michelle | Apr 7, 2020 | procrastination, write
And don’t feed the mind monkeys either! When I was 34 and my children were 18 months and 35 months old, I enrolled on an English degree with the Open University. Literature, writing, books and words had always been my bag, and when I had two babies...
by Michelle | Dec 12, 2019 | writing a business book, writing a non-fiction book
Writing your business book is definitely on your radar, right? So why haven’t you started it yet? I mean, how many nudges does the universe need to give you? Given that you’re in the spiritual, heart-centred, transformation, soul-led industry, I’d guess you...
by Michelle | Apr 8, 2019 | stuck with your writing, writing a business book
So many people tell me they’re going to write a book one day. Their memoir, a business book, a dystopian novel, a poetry collection … you name it, they’re going to write it. Sadly, most of these people never get round to it. They keep all...