Indie Author Interview: Mario Panayi
Mario emailed me back in September 2018 to tell me he’d love to publish at least one of his poetry books (he had written many by this point).
I set to work on helping him self-publish his first book, Birth, Life, Burial: A Poetry Collection. Before I’d reached the formatting stage, Mario decided to proceed with publishing a second poetry book and launch them at the same time, and so I began working on Myths & Make-Believe.
Both books were published simultaneously a few weeks later and are a real credit to Mario’s passion for his writing. Although profoundly different they are also intrinsically linked (if that’s not an oxymoron) and will spark your imagination, tickle your funny bone, and have you reaching for the tissues within the space of five minutes!
Congratulations Mario! Your poetry collections are available on the Amazon bookstore. How did it feel when you saw them there for the first time?
Thank you, Michelle. It was a delight to see the poetry collections available on the Amazon bookstore. It brings both tingling sensations and a pleasant feeling. But when I actually received the books in print myself that’s an even greater feeling because they are there in your hands and you can see the books and it feels a lot more impressive, realistic and euphoric when you are holding them and they look so much better than just on a screen. Although it’s a cliché, it really is a surreal feeling, and again when someone refers to you as an author it literally brings a smile to your face, part pride and part embarrassment – only because I am still getting used to the idea.
That’s wonderful! You also have a full-time job as well as writing your poetry, and I know you have many books written and in the pipeline, so my question here is, how on earth do you find the time to write?
It’s actually a part-time job that I have (almost full-time hours) but the majority of weeks I do work more than full-time hours. I have always enjoyed working and keeping busy. For example, in the past I have either had two part-time jobs at the same time, or a full-time job and voluntary work, or even working and studying for a degree or masters. At one point I was working part-time, studying for an honours degree and studying for a Masters.
At the moment working and writing is complementary because writing can be very cathartic. Also, sometimes work and/or life in general can spark the imagination into writing something funny or sad and endearing.
In my third and fourth volumes of poetry which I am currently writing there is a lot of content that can be originally traced to an actual person or actual event, and often a merger of different people’s personalities and characteristics or an embellishment of events which is often exceptionally entertaining.
The third book is called Do you recognize yourself? And the fourth book I keep changing the title. At the moment I’m torn between Do you recognize the animal in you? Or simply Animal in you. I have had genuine fun writing these books and each one has over one-hundred poems. Ive ll send you over a sample of the poems to go with this interview.
There is one major downside to spending so much time working and writing. I’ve put on two stone over the past two to three years because I’ve left no time for walking and exercising which I really need to get back to.
Yes, it’s not good for the waistline, is it? Your poetry spans different people, lives, legends, myths, countries and legends. Can you tell me where your eclectic inspiration stems from?
People and situations are so amazing, inspirational and wonderful. Obviously, there is often a sadness involved, but there is also so much warmth, humour and entertainment out there. I suppose most of all I value people.
I was born in the UK and this is very much my home. However, my parents were born in Cyprus and much of my heart is in Cyprus. As a child I used to visit Cyprus every year during the summer holidays. It was a very different Cyprus than it is today. In 1974 Cyprus was invaded, and so visiting Cyprus in the 1970s and 1980s included seeing the aftermath of war. Each household had running water half a day per week, which had to be stored to last the week. Over two thousand people had disappeared and presumed dead. This included two of my cousins. I come from a very close family and I will always be grateful for their guidance and support through life. Seeing what people went through in Cyprus and how fortunate we are in the UK makes me appreciate life, people and to try not to be judgmental because we just do not know what someone has gone through. Every person has a story to tell – the story of their life and the ups and downs of their life.
Another inspiration is my work. I have worked in a variety of jobs including the voluntary sector. In the voluntary sector you come across people from all walks of life and again you come across amazing people and amazing lives. People can be quick to judge why a person might be homeless or on benefits when the truth can be heart-wrenching.
The myths and legends element of my writing comes from my studies. Again I have encountered a variety of studies. For example I have honours degrees in Psychology with Sociology, and Creative and Professional Writing and Philosophy, and Masters degrees in Human Resource Management, and an MBA (Masters in Business Administration). Myths I have studied at GCSE, A Level, and degree level.
Now you’ve gone through the whole book-writing and self-publishing journey, would you encourage other aspiring authors to do the same? What advice would you offer them?
I would definitely encourage people to write and self-publish. Writing, as I’ve already mentioned, can be hugely cathartic. Self-publishing seems to be the modern way of getting published. I’ve read so many horror stories of people spending a lot of time approaching literary agents or publishers and if you go down the self-publishing route that can save the writer time to get on with their passion for writing. My advice to aspiring authors is this:
- Do not give up. If you enjoy writing then continue to write.
- Edit, edit and edit.
- Join a writing group. I joined the Time To Write group and we have an entertaining time, support each other and enjoy listening to each other’s writing and accepting each other’s critiques. Accepting other opinions and suggestions will help you grow as an author.
- Find someone like Michelle Emerson. I would not have self-published alone. Michelle is excellent in the services she provides. From proof-reading, to formatting the book, bringing the cover design and content to production and pressing that all important ‘publish’ button. And she will help promote the book through her social media as well.
- Keep a positive mind. There are people who can be jealous and try to put negative ideas into your mind. Take those negative ideas and thoughts and turn them into criticisms, and from that transform them into solutions.
- Sometimes you need a break from something that you are working on. I’ve developed the habit of when I need to take a break from one of my writing projects to jump on to one of my other writing projects. This system works for me.
Do you have any more books in the pipeline for 2019?
Well I’ve mentioned Do you recognize yourself? as the third book, and Do you recognize the animal in you?/Animal in you. (working title) for book four. Both are poetry collections and I am aiming to have them published in June 2019. Originally Stag Story was going to be the fourth book but the fourth book that I’ve now chosen compliments the third one. So Stag Story will be a future publication, hopefully still in 2019.
I would like to have another two published in approximately October 2019. The following are some of the titles I am currently working on:
- Cyprus Collection (a poetry book).
- Philosophical Perspectives (a poetry book)
- Banned Book of Poetry (a poetry book)
- Glimpses of Epic Greek Myths (extracts from future novels)
- Banned Book of Greek Myth (a novel – 100 chapters)
Obviously, some will be left for 2020. I also have some ideas for other writing projects but they are still very much in the ideas/planning stage.
Thanks very much, Mario, for those fascinating insights. What a fab interview. All the best with your books!
Find out more about Mario’s poetry books here: Birth, Life, Burial and Myths and Make-Believe.
Samples from Mario’s first four books
Copyright Mario Panayi, 2019
- The Bed (From Birth Life Burial)
- Eyes (From Birth Life Burial)
- Labyrinth (From Myths and Make-Believe)
- Atlas (From Myths and Make-Believe)
- Funeral Song (From Do you recognise yourself?)
- That Man (From Do you recognise yourself?)
- Animal (extended version) (From Animal in YOU)
- Wolf Within (From Animal in YOU)
- Cougar (From Animal in YOU)
The Bed
When lying in my cot I barely made an indentation
Eyes closed tight and my breathing so silent
Tiny lungs, too small to make a sound
Except when I was hungry
My cries would fill the room and the entire house
A child’s bed so strong and sturdy
Able to put up with being jumped up and down on
Dived into
Beaten with fists when in the depths of a temper tantrum
Even a shelter beneath for when mum wants the room cleaned
Loud creaking of a double bed
Pleasurable groaning and thrashing
The sounds of kissing and rolling
Conception within the bed of a new born life
Deep indentation of a coupled silhouette within the mattress
A bed that once ricocheted with life
No longer a bouncing castle for the children
A pleasure palace for the young and middle aged
Creation of unconditional love through gentle caressing
Or a place for tears of happiness and sorrow
I lie in the bed and try to listen
Echoes of people from the distant past
Parties downstairs with laughter fade away
Along with my breaths;
Now long-drawn and shallow
Hands withered and scrawny-looking
Blemished and rough
Once so smooth
They used to glide over another’s hands and body beautiful
The other having departed so long ago
Bed no longer creaks its sounds of life
Inhabited by a ghostly figure
Barely able to move
Hollowed bones encased in a stoic river of blood and shrivelled skin
Too light to even make an indentation
I look into those widened eyes
The ones that seduce young guys
Like a spell those men you hypnotise
They’re yours to sexually demoralize
And marriages you do destabilise
Ten years from now, I look into your eyes
Obviously older now, but still unwise
You seduce men as your ultimate prize
But one sure thing you do not realise
Is that your life, others begin to satirize
Looking in the mirror at your own eyes
Can you remember and memorize
All those lives that you did scandalize
Or do you still completely rationalize
And feel your life others should epitomize
Twenty years from now those beautiful eyes
Will be worn out from all those tearful cries
You’ll have run out of the seduction lies
And even with mascara you cannot disguise
That over your life you do now agonize
Deep beneath the earth and caves of ancient Knossos
Adjacent to the Palace of King Minos
The legendary Labyrinth was constructed
By Daedalus and his son, Icarus
The tunnels of this maze were so convoluted
That no mortal or creature could escape
So the fierce and uncontrollable raged Minotaur
Was locked within the confines of the Labyrinth
Year after year fourteen young Athenians;
Seven men and seven women
Would be cast into the depths of the Labyrinth
Sacrificing a few souls to the savage half-man half-bull
In order to satisfy his hunger and anger
And to save the entire Minoan civilisation
Until of course the young Prince Theseus
Slayed and killed the offspring of Queen Pasiphae and the Cretan Bull
It has been many centuries since the Myth began its story
The ancient relic of the Labyrinth still on display
For brave men and women to enter the interwoven maze
To feel the rough tall walls of the home of the Minotaur
With the sun baking on their skin
There are some who can still hear noises from the ancient times
The huffs and puffs from the snout of the half-taurian creature
Its hooves quickly running on concrete and solid dirt
Frightened beating hearts of the youngsters running for their lives
Merging with the angry and adrenaline-pumped heart of the Minotaur
Screams meeting a sudden end
Replaced by the sounds of flesh been torn
The munching of bones being crushed by tough teeth
Followed by the snoring and snorting of the Minotaur
Having filled his belly with tender meat
Sounds which you hope
Are merely echos of the past
On the edge of the universe
Far from the view of mortals
Is the giant Titan, Atlas
Bound with indestructible adamantine
Shackled around his ankles
He is kneeled as though in prayer
With arms stretched across the sky
Making sure that Ouranos and Gaea
Are separated forevermore
It is his punishment
For siding with his brothers and sisters
During the Titanomachy War
Where Titans and Olympians clashed
His head is bowed down as though in shame
With his muscular torso and limbs on display
As he carries the weight upon his shoulders
Cobwebs adorn his physique
Like glistening tinsel in a dark room
Lit only by the stars of the night
He dare not move his frame
For even the slightest of movements
Will cause the sky to tilt
And the earth to shake
Far more dangerous than any earthquake
Or tidal wave
So he continues to be stoic
As though a live victim of Medusa’s eerie eyes
A ridiculed statue of antiquity
Funeral Song
I want to choose my funeral song
Something appropriate and memorable
It’s so easy to choose songs for other people
Elizabeth Taylor and Zsa Zsa Gabor both should have had
Going to the Chapel and we’re gonna get married
Pity that song didn’t exist when Henry VIII was buried
Although Eight is the magic number also seems ideal
Of course Nelson Mandela certainly deserves Freedom
Mohammed Ali should have had either
Eye of the Tiger or We are the Champions
Donald Trump will obviously want I did it my way
And maybe he could pre-record Push the button just for Kim Jung Un
Nigel Farage and Boris Johnson should have Rule Britannia
David Attenborough ought to have The lion sleeps tonight
In fact he should also have the hymn, All creatures great and small
If they ever rebury Elizabeth I she could have Like a virgin
Unlike Hugh Hefner who should’ve had House of the Rising Sun
A totally new meaning of Maggie May for Margaret Thatcher
I’m sure all records would have been broken
If the Iron Lady and Arthur Scargill did a duet
Those were the days and Working in a coal mine might have been their songs
Jackie Kennedy Onasis would have probably chosen
Devil in Disguise for Marilyn Monroe
Perhaps Hilary Clinton should have Stand by your man
Especially after her spat with Tammy Wynette
But back to MY funeral song
Always look on the bright side of life is not loud enough
I was leaning towards Staying Alive
But in the end I decided to take into consideration where I’ll end up
Not the original meaning of the song, but hey ho
Sounds of the underground
That Man
There is a man whose heart is like a stone
Hard and heavy
Impenetrable and icy cold
His soul is without light
Living and thriving in total darkness
Revelling in his demonic traits
There are many things which he does love
Much more than his wife and children
Power and ambition
Making more money than others he knows
Demeaning virtually all those around him
Whilst offering false platitudes to those he thinks can further his societal standing
Devious and cunning
Convincing in his lies
Ruins lives with delight
Honours himself as superior
Arrogance rises
With the ferocity of volcanic lava
He thinks that he is admired
That people are envious of his good fortune
Of his position, possessions and even looks
Oblivious that he is pitied
Disrespected and hated
That man who is devoid of humanity
Animal (extended version)
My man is such an animal
He’s built as strong as an ox
But he’s not clever like an owl
Or as alert as an eagle
He is not cunning like a fox
Not caring like dolphin
Or even loyal like a faithful dog
Instead he’s got a goldfish memory
With a belly that belongs to a pig
Furry chest like a gorilla
His stomach roars like a lion
But most of all in bed
He is so animalistic
Just like a sloth
Wolf Within
Its eyes watch
Wide and fixated
On its intended prey
It circles that prey
No noise
As each soft paw
Carefully paces
It stretches and flexes
Its muscular frame
Lean and taut
Echoing its brooding nature
Its nose twitches
Inhaling your essence
Your fragrance
Even your wanton desires
And your fears
The wolf can pounce
Taking you by surprise
Its body on top of yours
Holding you down
Your breaths merging
The anticipation of what is to come
Or it can chase you
Energy and adrenaline
Pumping away
Adding to the experience
Of the wolfs encounter
The wolf allows you
To stroke its fur
To soothe his natural temperament
To ruffle its intrinsic instincts
Before the wolf
Unleashes its wildness
I know that you know
Where this poem will go
She watches from a distance
With a sultry and sexy stance
Smouldering with passion
There will be no compassion
For the one that she selects
Just another of her conquests
Drink up guys
She’s chosen her prize
As she walks steady and stealthily
Towards her victim who willingly
Will leave with her tonight
Two bodies that will unite
She has experience and expertise
Beginning slowly and with tease
Her body is no longer smooth
As it once was in her youth
But she knows exactly what to do
That’s naughty through and through
Bringing you to heightened delights
Including those delicious bites
You won’t notice her savage ways
Because you’re already in a daze