It’s all too easy to get stuck in the vicious cycle that is, ‘I’ve really got to write today but…’ isn’t it?
So if you’re having that kind of day and you want someone to get you out of your funk, da-da! Here I am.
Enough of the procrastination. That book/blog/fabulous content isn’t going to write itself now, is it? Let me share with you my top tips for ditching distractions and boosting your word count.
#1 Set a timer AND JUST WRITE!
Use an online timer or your phone or an app like Pomodoro, and get writing. Think of and/or work on nothing else except writing for your set time and I promise you’ll be amazed at how much your word count improves.
#2 Make writing a daily habit
Even 30 minutes per day is better than nothing. Can you really not spare half an hour every day for your writing? Think about the difference it can make. If you’re writing a book, it could be half a chapter, it could be an introduction or a conclusion, or the bullet points for your entire chapters.
#3 Focus on one project at a time
If you head’s anything like mine (ie constantly full of ideas which feel like Mexican jumping beans) you will be much better off working on one project a time. Concentrate on the most pressing project and forget about the rest. It works.
#4 Switch off the internet
It’s way too easy to forget to click on that email that pops up when you’re typing and/or that social media notification. So the best thing you can do to deter your wandering digits (and mind) is to switch off the internet. You will survive without sneaking a peek at the world-wide-web for short bursts of time, I’m sure. And without emails and social media posts/messages dropping in constantly, your writing will flow and your productivity will soar.
#5 Don’t listen to your inner saboteur
Your inner saboteur may try to distract you once you get into writing mode but don’t listen. If you have to, say ‘thanks for the feedback but I don’t have time to listen right now. I’m busy creating some fabulous content for my book/my business’.
#6 Write first, edit second
You’ll never get anything finished if you start editing while you’re writing, so try to get into the habit of writing first and editing second. They are two separate beasts and should never be attempted simultaneously.
#7 Write in bite-sized chunks
If you’ve got a BIG writing project to get through, and you have a tendency to get overwhelmed, then break down the tasks into bite-sized chunks. You could have mini tasks such as:
- Monday – research – 30 minutes
- Tuesday – reading – 30 minutes
- Wednesday – writing – 1500 words
It feels much more do-able than the general task of ‘sitting down to write’, doesn’t it?
#8 Leave your phone in another room
Yes, this is something I have to consciously do too. Detach your phone from your hand and place it in another room so you physically have to get up if you need it. This little brain interruption makes you stop and think about what you’re doing (ie, reaching for your phone unconsciously, if it’s within arm’s reach) and the benefit is a much-improved word count.
#9 Create the right writing ambience
Some people need complete peace and quiet to write (me!) whilst others prefer background music. Whatever your preference, do that. The more conducive your atmosphere is to writing and focusing, the more writing you’ll produce.
#10 Set daily writing targets
Do you only work productively if you have a deadline or set yourself targets? Then make yourself accountable and set yourself daily targets and deadlines. Make them small to begin with but ensure they are daily and you’ll see your writing output improve drastically.
Have you any more tips to help boost your writing output? I’d love to hear them.
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