Welcome to another fabulous guest interview in the Business Mums Who Love to Write Series. This time we have the pleasure of hearing all about Canadian author and mum, lovely N M McGregor… how she finds the time to write I’ll never know.  


Hi Nadine, thanks so much for taking the time to join us! First things first, you have 5 children. How the heck do you find the time to write?

Honestly, it’s saying that my dream is worth some prioritizing. I work on a limited schedule. When I sit down to work, the door is shut, the beta/alpha brainwave music goes on, and the phone stays elsewhere. I don’t check messages, or social media alerts. It makes a difference when you’re limited for time.


I completely agree! I’m with you all the way with the brainwave music (gotta love YouTube) and detaching from the phone – it makes such a difference. Can you tell us a little bit about you and where you are in the world?

I live in B.C. Canada we run on Pacific Standard Time, where I am is a rainforest. I am blessed to be so close to the city of Vancouver yet breathe such wonderful air. I am also only a few blocks from the beach, more wonderful air and natural surroundings. I am turning 52 in a few weeks. I have trained on the Canadian Olympic Team as a sprinter in my youth, danced and modelled professionally and for the past 10 years earned my master’s in yoga and have been teaching. Just over two years ago, my husband was diagnosed with a deteriorating disease that affects the blood. Our then 6-year-old and I were devastated. Since then we have shut down our health practice, sold our home, and moved. We were existing in a little dusty logging truck town that has taken some pretty hefty hits environmentally these past few years and it was time to get out.

One month prior to my husband’s diagnosis I began book 1. I knew absolutely nothing, I mean nothing about publishing. Back in the summer of 2016 I watched a podcast by British author Mark Dawson. I watched several and following his instructions, got my first book out in 2017.



Wow – what an inspiration you are, and what a complete life change. Could you tell us about your published books – genre, ideal reader snapshot and the kind of reactions you get from readers?

First, let me start by saying I love all genres, any well-written book is worth taking the time to read. Currently, I have out the Montana Series, a cross-genre of contemporary, romance with enough adventure and thrill to keep the reader turning the pages. Book one, West End Montana is being offered for free on all major platforms. Book Two West End Brat is free for readers when they join my mailing list, the story ramps up in book two, to include a bit of a thriller vibe. Book three, West End Lass, to be launched in Jan. 2019, is the third and final instalment in the series. A new series is springing from the Montana books and I am looking forward to sharing the first one soon.




The Moon Goddess Chronicles, book 1 Petals is psychological romance for  adult readers only, because some of the content could possibly act as a trigger, or you could look at it as a little hotter and steamier than the Montana series ? The story follows the lead character, Mary as she learns who she truly is and what she wants out of life. Through her growth, and bad choices in men, she learns that she can choose how to live her life. A wonderful surprise ending changes everything for Mary and she is free to put her new-found knowledge and experiences to work for the betterment of her life. Book 2 is set to be released in 2019

My reaction from readers regarding the Montana series, is when is book 3 coming out?! Montana is the girl you wished you had been and becomes the woman you wish you were. She doesn’t have it easy, but she is fearless and persistent, something we should all encompass in life.



Sounds fab. I’ll be taking a look at that as soon as we’re finished here. What does your writing schedule usually look like? Do you focus on one project at a time, or do you have a few on the go?

I always have an editing, and new story project at the same time. I would really like to focus on one thing at a time, but so far, that hasn’t happened. There is so much to say, and so few hours in which to get it all down.



Yes… if only we could just spend our days writing and not worry about anything else. What motivates you to write?

Better question is what doesn’t? I can’t help it, writing has become like air and water, part of who I am. I have realized that writing helps me to process what I’m thinking. Soooo I often don’t know what I’m thinking until it is written down. There are so many feelings and stories begging to get out. My life is hard right now, that is when I do my best writing. Caring for my dying husband, also, my school friend, and roommate, only has a few months left on earth and I have an autistic son who needs a lot of support. If I didn’t write, I’d lose my mind.


What advice would you offer other Business Mums Who Love to Write when they say they don’t have time to make writing a priority?

Moms…please make your passion a priority and pursue that which allows you to follow your dream. It begins and ends with you. No one else can write the story percolating within you. Be aware of not being super mom, you don’t have to do it all. It doesn’t take a degree to do many things that our daily life requires. Start asking and accepting help from family members and friends and get it done!


Great advice! Now could you please share your social links so we can stalk you and your progress… sorry, I mean carry on the conversation!







Thanks, so much Nadine. What a genuine inspiration you are. Best of luck for the future. 


Are you a Business Mum Who Loves to Write? Message me to discuss taking part in this interview series. 

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