Amazon Author Interview





Cornish Crime Series


Congratulations! Your fifth book in your fantastic Cornish Crime Series is now available on the Amazon bookstore. How does it feel to see your books receiving such rave reviews?

It feels great. Writing is essentially a solitary occupation. It’s very easy to become so engrossed in the process and so immersed in the story that you lose your objectivity. When I release a new book, I’m always anxious. I question my instincts and worry the book will be a complete flop. Those first rave reviews from my readers always boost my confidence and reassure me I’m on the right track.    

Can you tell us about your books and what spurred you

into writing them?


I write crime thrillers set in Cornwall where my family has lived for generations. I wanted to steer clear of the picture-perfect portrayal of the county and introduce a bit of realism. Cornwall is a county with a split personality. It attracts millions of tourists during the summer months. To the visitor, it can appear affluent and idyllic. Yet it is one of the poorest counties in the country, with a rich pagan history.

The clash of cultures breeds conflict and drama and, of course, inspiration for my stories. My books can be read as a series or as a standalone. They are not police procedurals but rather thrillers set in a domestic environment where the landscape is a compelling character. 




Have you always been a writer/wanted to

become an author?


I’m a lawyer by profession, so words have always played an important role in my job. I have always loved a good story. The difference is now, I never let it escape. When I see or hear something interesting, I jot it down, knowing I will use it later.  

What does your writing schedule look like? Is it a priority or something you have to make time for?


When I decided to write with a view to becoming an author, I decided that if I were to succeed, I would need to be disciplined. I still work part-time as a lawyer and so I have to be strict and set aside time to write. I make sure I write something every day. Writing is a craft and like any craft it takes practice.




I have to ask … have you any more books in the pipeline? I know many of your readers can’t wait for the next one too.

No pressure, Julie!


Yes. Book 6 will be released in 2024. It is in the early stages. I have the plot and the first two chapters. I am excited about it although it has no title as yet.  

Oh, wow, I can’t wait to read that! Do you have any advice for aspiring authors who are thinking of self-publishing their books?


Go for it, but be prepared; it is not for the faint-hearted. Read as much as you can in your genre and listen to the advice of other self-publishers. They are a generous lot willing to share their mistakes so you can avoid repeating them. Take well-meant criticism and learn from it. Most importantly, write, write, write, and do not publish until the book is the very best it can be. Don’t skimp on the important elements, like a good cover design and a professional editor. If you don’t take yourself seriously, your readers won’t either.




Thanks so much, Julie.

And congratulations again on your continuing success.



At fourteen, Kit Retallick sets fire to the family farm, killing his mother, stepfather and seventeen-year-old sister. Or so the jury decided. Fifteen years later, he returns home to Cornwall, committed to proving his innocence, and hires lawyer Eden Gray to help him.

Eden is unnerved by the disfiguring scars marring the young man’s face and the storming chaos in his head. She is sceptical, knowing it will be an uphill battle, but finds discrepancies in the evidence deserving further investigation. She’s prepared to ruffle official feathers and risk friendship, but what she’s not prepared for is two new murders committed on the night of his return.

If not for the tenacious efforts of her investigator, Ross Trenear, an ex-policeman with a lot to prove, she would throw in the towel. As he picks away at the scab of deceit, he finds plenty of suspects along with prejudice and denial in the tight-lipped rural community. He convinces Eden to stick with the case and they uncover the truth.

Can Eden help Kit escape his history and find justice or is he beyond saving? 

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