indie authors

self-publishing services

Congratulations! You’ve written your book!  That’s a fantastic achievement. And now you’re trying to find out how to get your book published for the first time. Right?

You’ve probably guessed it’s a minefield out there? What with hybrid publishers, traditional publishers, and the thought of having to source and project manage freelance book formatters and typesetters is enough to make you dizzy.

That’s where I can help…

how i can help you


Send me your Word document and I’ll take care of the rest. I project manage the whole self-publishing process for you.


Once the book is available for sale on Amazon, I hand the reins over to you. You keep all your Amazon royalties and pay a one-off fee for my services.


Here’s how I can prepare your e-book and paperback ready for sale on the Amazon store…

Format Your e-Book for Kindle & Typset Your Book for Print

Your manuscript will be transformed into a professional looking e-book and a ‘real’ book (paperback).

Create an Eye-Catching Cover for Your Kindle e-Book & Paperback

Let me have your book cover ideas and my graphic designer will bring them to life. 

Research the Amazon Bookstore - The Biggest Bookshop in the World

Discovering the best categories and keywords for your book means you’ll potentially have a better sales ranking. 

Write Your Blurb (Amazon Description)

Making your book irresistible to buyers requires a persuasive blurb, and I’ve written hundreds in my time. 

Set up Your Kindle / KDP Account

Setting up your Amazon KDP account to kickstart the uploading process comes next, and I’ll take care of this too. 

And a Final Double-Check Online

Once everything is uploaded and you’re happy with the results, I’ll double-check your books online and press PUBLISH.

Set-up Your Author Amazon Central Page

This is where readers find out more about you (and it’s a great marketing tactic).  

And Finally... Lots of Lovely Online Launch Exposure for Your Book!

Once launch day arrives, I’ll share your exciting news all over my social media platforms and tell my newsletter subscribers. You’ll also get your book permanently featured on my website, AND you can feature in my Indie Author blog series.


The 10-Step Amazon Self-Publishing Process (Simply) Explained for First-Time Authors

Thinking of self-publishing on Amazon for the first time?

Then let me help take all the confusion, frustration and fear away with my FREE e-book: ‘THE 10-STEP AMAZON SELF-PUBLISHING PROCESS (SIMPLY) EXPLAINED FOR FIRST-TIME AUTHORS

Grab your FREE copy here…

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Contact michelle

Want to self-publish on Kindle or in print? Or write a business book? Or find an experienced UK proofreader or affordable copy-editor? Choose to work with me, Michelle Emerson. I’d be delighted to hear about your writing project, and how I can help you.


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